Wednesday, December 15, 2010


In the stairwell section, the stairwell begins to expand. Becoming longer and with it, taking Reston Creating a greater distance from the others. In Johnny Stituation he talks about how the walls and time continue to change. It is in these two sections one could draw parrellels between the two.
In both their sections the length at which the text is written is expanded. In Reston's section the text takes up a bunch of pages to explain this. In Johnny's the text is close together and small which takes up space and time as well.
Another interesting thing is that both characters are being dragged away from the world. It's in Johnny section that an abstract item is holding backa and keeping him from his friends. In Reston's event it was the staircase itself that did the pulling away taking Reston before. Both lost their connection to the ouside world.Both got pulled into this idea whether or not they agree with it.

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